
English learners often have a hard time with the words make and do. What is the difference between them, and where are these two words used? Do is a general action verb. It usually refers to work, chores, and common activities. Make usually refers to creating or constructing something. It […]

Do vs. Make

Halloween is here, and you might want to talk about your favorite horror movie or ghost story. But what are the rights words to use? Scared, afraid, and frightened are often confusing for English students, so let’s break down their meaning and grammar. Meaning Usually, scared, afraid, and frightened all mean the same thing, a […]

Scared, Afraid, and Frightened

An ape ponders the conditional tense.
Conditionals use “if clauses” and describe the results of possible situations. Conditionals can be tricky because the verb tenses in the conditional clause don’t always refer to the same time period that they usually do. There are four main types of conditionals: Zero Conditional or “Present Real Conditional” This conditional […]


There are many ways to talk about the future in English. “Will” and “going to” are both used to talk about events happening at specific times in the future, but they are often used to express different meanings. Sometimes, the simple present or present continuous tenses are used to talk […]

Simple Future Tense: “Will” and “Going to”

We use the future perfect tense when we view events from a future point in time, and talk about events that happened up to and before it. Forming Future Perfect with will:   Subject Will Have Main Verb (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence I, you, he, she, it, we, they […]

Future Perfect

  We use the future continuous tense to talk about things that will happen over a period of time in the future. Like simple future, we can use either “will” or “going to” with the future continuous tense, but unlike simple future, there is no difference in meaning. Note: Like […]

Future Continuous