
We use the future perfect tense when we view events from a future point in time, and talk about events that happened up to and before it. Forming Future Perfect with will:   Subject Will Have Main Verb (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence I, you, he, she, it, we, they […]

Future Perfect

We use simple past when we talk about actions that happened and were completed in the past. Usually, we make the simple past by adding -ed to a base verb. However, many common verbs are irregular, so they change in different ways. When to Use the Simple Past Tense A […]

Simple Past Tense

The past perfect tense is used most often to emphasize that one event happened before another event, and to show the relationship between them.    We form the past perfect tense by using had, followed by the main verb in past participle form.     Subject Had Verb (past participle) […]

Past Perfect Tense

We use the past continuous tense (also known as the past progressive) to talk about actions in the past that lasted for some time. It is formed by using was/were + present participle.   Subject Simple past tense of “to be” Present Participle I/he/she/it/Maggie was talking. They/we/you/you all were talking. […]

Past Continuous