Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

As other students already mentioned, Lee is the best English teacher I have ever known! I was looking for an English teacher to improve my English writing skills. Lee was the perfect teacher for what I was looking for! She is a very kind, open-minded and intelligent person. She is […]

Ai K., from Japan

Lee is one of the best English teachers I have ever met! With her help, I got IELTS score of 7 and was admitted to an U.S. MBA program! Here are some reasons for my recommendation. First of all, her lessons are interesting. I quite enjoyed watching fun videos while […]

K.S. Lin, from Taiwan

If you’re searching an English tutor now, then Lee must be your first choice, especially for a person who has special requests, like preparing for IELTS. Here are several reasons why I recommend Lee for you. First, Lee is interesting, passionate, and professional, so I don’t feel uncomfortable and nervous […]

Rebecca Tu, from Taiwan

I had a TOEFL preparation with Lee for a month and a half. For that short period of time, she taught me a lot. She is a great teacher. The things I liked the most about her are that she is really well organized, patient and professional. One of the […]

Danijela, Serbia

I am so lucky to have Lee as my teacher. She is always kind and helpful. We don’t practice English in a boring way. Instead, she gives me a lot of interesting materials and that help me learn English more naturally. I also appreciate her attitude, as she is always […]

Colby C., from Taiwan

Lee has all the characteristics of the perfect English teacher: she’s patient, clear in explanations, and very professional. Lee is a very friendly person, and you can speak about different topics with her. After I began to use Lee’s lessons, I can feel that my English is improving day after […]

Stefana V., from Serbia

I am Japanese. The lessons of Ms. Lee helped me a lot in learning how to express my ideas. She took time and listened to me so patiently. With various linguistic resources like video and articles from the Internet, each time I felt some progress. I was so lucky to […]

Mihoho, from Japan

Besides her cool American accent and polite English expressions, I like Lee’s being patient, thoughtful and always respecting my culture; all of that has made me not afraid of talking and asking questions. We began with fundamentals, such as pronunciation and reading, and now she is helping my writing. Being […]

SJ Zhuang, from Taiwan

In the second week after I moved to Pittsburgh, I searched for classes to be prepared for the TOEFL and to improve my English. I experienced a free class with Lee. The class was great, so I decided take a package for a month. The classes are going great, I […]

Thais Ligo, from Brazil

I was looking for a teacher who would help me improve my communication skills and correct my pronunciation.  When I started to learn with Lee, I was impressed by her lessons. They are not standard, but are specialized for every student.  She is always carefully prepared for every lesson based […]

Anna S., from Russia