Archives: Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

I am really happy that I took this fantastic program over the summer. I’ve been studying pronunciation for over a year now. I found this program online and thought I’d give it a try. As I had studied the International phonetic alphabet already, I was able to catch the program very easily. […]

Sam S., from Sri Lanka

I thank Lee for 10 lesson of excellent English! You can see the result if you study often and much, so I advise at least 10 lessons at once !!! Lee offers a variety of options for training: video, reading, writing, communication … the first free short lesson on Skype […]

Marina S., from Ukraine

She’s a great and active tutor. From the first lesson, she understood my exact need. She focused on the conversation and TOEFL preparation test. Her way of tutoring provided me with self-confidence and the desire to learn more! I recommend her for all students who want to deepen their knowledge […]

Sameem B, from Iraq

It was a real pleasure working with Lee! Lee is a creative and positive person with great energy. She constantly inspires you to improve your language and allows you to grow in the most appropriate way. I’ve worked with her for 2.5 months and now I can definitely say that […]

Ana C., from Serbia

Lee is the best English teacher I have met. Lee is professional; she always provides lessons best suited to my needs and gives me valuable suggestions. Lee is enthusiastic; she not only prepares various and interesting topics before classes, she also builds a funny learning environment to help me absorb […]

Sophie C, from Taiwan

I want to express my deep gratitude to Lee. She has a lot of patience during lessons, and each time prepares a new interesting topic. During the class, we read, listen to recordings, and talk a lot. I feel I’m really progressing in my study of the English language.

Oksana N, from Ukraine